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Webinar. Attributes of a Family

Oleg Bokachov will be speaking as a guest expert at a webinar organised by Look Up. This time we are focusing on the topic of family.

We often hear or ask ourselves: ‘Is that even a family? Or is it something else?’ Everyone interprets the term “family” in their own way. However, if everyone has his or her own definition of family, it becomes difficult to preserve it. The family is a special union of people that differs from other communities through its unique characteristics. But what is the main attribute of a family, and on what basis is its preservation and the maintenance of harmonious relationships built?

We will explore this topic guided by Oleg Bokachov’s analytical approach LiveDevice. By using this topic as an example, we will see how the approach can be applied to understand different phenomena of life. Participants are welcome to ask questions. If desired, questions can also be asked confidentially.

Format: Zoom online conference.

Time: 16:00–18:00 UTC/GMT +2.

Image: Family of Willem van der Helm, Municipal architect of Leiden by Carel Fabritius Dutch


  • July 18
    4:00 pm
    - 6:00 pm