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Work Group Coaches and Consultants

The role of a consultant or coach is to assist the client in discovering and implementing the best solution to their problem. But how can we systematically achieve this? On what should we base our recommendations, and how can we communicate them effectively to the client?

In this working group, we focus on developing and refining systemic consulting and coaching methods. We reassess diagnostic tools and enhance our skills in formulating and conveying recommendations to clients. Our approach is grounded in case studies and led by Oleg Bokachov, the author of the LiveDevice approach and the “Reality Matrix” method of systemic counselling.

Operating as a non-profit organisation, we welcome all professionals to join us. By participating, you will contribute to and benefit from the collective experience in systemic approaches to coaching and consulting.

Time: 07:00–09:00 UTC/GMT +2.

Image by Iaroslav Neliubov from


  • July 5
    7:00 am
    - 9:00 am


  • Verein der sozialen Innovationen / Social Innovations Society