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Discussion Club

We invite you to our next Discussion Club meeting. Last time, we explored the concept of human will as an inner being that can be purposefully developed. This time, we will analyse the concepts of attention and soul, which can also be seen as distinct entities or parts of our personality.

What do attention and soul mean in the context of the human psyche? Do they need to be developed and directed in the same way as the will? We will delve into these inner aspects of the human essence, examining their nature and methods for their cultivation and control.

Join us for an insightful discussion as we continue to explore the depths of our inner selves. Oleg Bokachov will be our expert speaker for this session.

Format: Zoom online conference.

Time: 15:00–17:00 UTC/GMT +2.

Image: The School of Athens by Raphael, Public Domain,


  • August 22
    3:00 pm
    - 5:00 pm