IX. Back to the Source
Spiritual heritage

IX. Back to the Source

12.10.2022Oleg Bokachov
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Man is a supreme being, a representative of his genus. On Earth, he acquired a vertical body, which integrates particles of the souls and bodies of his ancestors, whose shadows silently stand in a row behind his back — each following one is higher than the previous, going further back and up to the Source of the Highest Light. They once lived their lives and formed their Heritage, which allows them to stand in the hierarchy of ancestors and take their place by virtue of their contribution to the common ancestral Heritage. With their shadows, they form a tree behind our back, which we can lean on, if it is strong enough.

Only a clan, a structure as vertical as a human body, can accumulate knowledge and manage, produce, preserve, distribute and transver through space and time all those values ​​of different levels of subtlety and density that were created in millennia by our ancestors, and which we must not only protect, but also continue further and enhance.

The restoration and adaptation of lost knowledge, as well as the revival of the clan tradition, or clan structure, represent the highest human Heritage. Its cultivation is not only our Human duty to ancestors and descendants, but also the possibility of our own development and the upward movement of the soul.

By contributing to social prosperity through building our own production, family and clan, or by helping someone belonging to a more powerful genus, we create a living vertical structure that makes our life worthy and once again gives the shadows of our ancestors the opportunity to be useful for us and our descendants in our return back to the Source.

Image by Chad Greiter from Unsplash.com


Oleg Bokachov

Widmet sich seit mehr als 25 Jahre lang dem Studium der Grundprinzipien fraktaler Systeme und der Entwicklung des eigenen systemanalytischen Ansatzes welcher auf der natürlichen Hierarchie der Funktionsebenen des menschlichen Körpers basiert. Durch seine Arbeit setzt Oleg Bokachov die Tradition der nicht-dualistischen Philosophie fort. Er ist Autor von drei Büchern und einer Reihe von Artikeln und analytischen Studien.