V. Changeable — Values ​​of Social Heritage
Spiritual heritage

V. Changeable — Values ​​of Social Heritage

29.12.2022Oleg Bokachov
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Social heritage is based on the ability to provide services or trade goods.

Service is an action taken to satisfy customer needs with the help of hired professionals.

Goods are material values purchased or created for further trade.

The social Heritage, in these two volatile values, carries more form than content and essence, and depends on the tastes and moods of the folk — most people in a society — and the social formats established in the society. Both the first and the last change in the modern world very quickly.

Usually, the social Heritage of an individual consists of providing children with material wealth and, if possible, a prestigious education. This will determine their image in society and the opportunity to successfully get a high-paying job providing the service of a hired employee. Formal education not only legitimises a person from the point of view of society, but also provides networking opportunities and the necessary connections that help to advance in society and financially secure oneself. Real estate or a share in a business is passed on to children, first, as Goods, which, if necessary, can be rented out or sold in order to invest into something that brings more income.

Except for children, the Heritage of this level in many cases is not passed on to anyone else — neither followers, nor successors, nor disciples. So, money, real estate and a few memories supported by photographs — this is often all the legacy left over from the previous generation.

Image by CCo Public Domain from pxhere.com


Oleg Bokachov

Widmet sich seit mehr als 25 Jahre lang dem Studium der Grundprinzipien fraktaler Systeme und der Entwicklung des eigenen systemanalytischen Ansatzes welcher auf der natürlichen Hierarchie der Funktionsebenen des menschlichen Körpers basiert. Durch seine Arbeit setzt Oleg Bokachov die Tradition der nicht-dualistischen Philosophie fort. Er ist Autor von drei Büchern und einer Reihe von Artikeln und analytischen Studien.