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Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Victim or Sacrifice?

Oleg Bokachov will be speaking as a guest expert at a webinar organised by Look Up. We will look at concepts such as sacrifice and victim.

These terms often carry different connotations depending on the context in which they are used. While both can refer to someone who suffers harm or loss, “victim” typically implies a sense of suffering or injustice inflicted upon an individual. On the other hand, “sacrifice” carries a more deliberate and voluntary aspect, where someone chooses to give up something of value for a greater purpose or cause.

It is not uncommon to hear that a person has sacrificed everything for something or someone. The willingness to sacrifice is opposed by negative qualities of personality — greed, self-interest, selfishness, narcissism, egoism, and the like — and at the same time psychologists warn against excessively sacrificing oneself to others, ignoring and devaluing one’s own interests.

So is it sacrifice or victim? In the webinar, we will find the proper place in our lives for these concepts.

We will explore this topic guided by Oleg Bokachov’s analytical approach LiveDevice. Using this subject as an example, we will see how the approach can be applied to understand different phenomena of life. The participants are welcome to ask questions at the webinar. If desired, questions can also be asked confidentially.

Format: Zoom online conference.

Time: 06:00–08:00 UTC/GMT +2.

Image: Crucifixion by Giotto di Bondone,


  • April 20
    6:00 am
    - 8:00 am