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Weekly classes for female students of the LiveDevice School more perfect system than the human body, we are unlikely to ever meet. With its help, we get to know life and interact with it in its entirety. Women are already very sensitive by nature and can easily learn to use their body as an instrument of knowledge and their own development.

At regular LiveDevice School classes, participants receive living technologies to solve the most frequently occurring questions and problems and discover aspects of life that were previously unknown to them or that they did not pay attention to.

Weekly classes are held only for regular students of the School. This makes it possible to create a special atmosphere of trust and sincerity. Questions are voiced at will openly or confidentially, but most often the problem of one woman is familiar to everyone else. Having gone through an intimate experience of the problem, the participants not only get a solution, but also a unifying feeling of going together through the difficulties we encounter in our life.

The classes are held weekly on Mondays.


  • February 27, 2023
    5:00 am
    - 9:00 am