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Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Foreigner in a Foreign Land

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

How do those who have left their home and familiar settings due to life circumstances adapt to a new environment, culture, and surroundings? How can they break free from the confines of their old routines and reorient towards a new phase of their life path?
Today, this question resonates with many, centering on what fundamental aspects to hold on to in order to enter a new life stream and not to get lost in it, but to find new opportunities.

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Pillar of Support in Difficult Times

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

In addition to personal, business and family problems, we feel an increasing danger in today's life from global transformations that we cannot control. In times like these, we need an anchor to keep us from getting lost, or a fixed point of reference to know how to move forward in life. In any case, it is not about what we think about global matters. What we need is certainty about what to do when global upheavals go from hypothetical to very real and change our lives here and now.

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Breaking Through the Ceiling

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

How can individuals ascend to a higher level of development when they feel they have reached a life milestone and cannot surpass it? While navigating a career in a large corporation may seem straightforward, how can one ensure they are achieving a higher level of personal or business development? Are there development strategies or plans to lead us forward?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Wealth and Spirituality: compatible?

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

By focusing on issues related to increasing income, we are less interested in the spiritual. By immersing ourselves in spirituality, we lose our luck with money, and money itself loses its importance. How can we continue to earn enough and even increase income while devoting time to spiritual development? Is it possible? And if so, how?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Home as an Aid in Our Development

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

We spend a lot of time at home, therefore, we would like to make sure our home is a resourceful, helpful, and fulfilling space for us. Is there a universal key to attuning the place we live in to ourselves? What can we do about our home so that it helps our development and our life as a whole?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Toxicity in People and Relationships

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

This term is often used as something obvious, but there should be clear criteria for this phenomenon in addition to feelings. The toxicity of some people often poisons our lives. How do we deal with another person's toxicity if we find ourselves in such a relationship? How do we make sure that we are not toxic ourselves? If so, how do we stop being so?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Discipline

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

Is it necessary to be a disciplined person in order to live a really good life — energised, efficient, prosperous? Or is discipline important for something else? How can it help steer life in the right direction? How should we introduce it into our lives so that it helps rather than hinders us?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Realisation of the Modern Man

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

Nowadays there are many interpretations of the concepts of self-realisation of men and women. Traditional roles seem almost irrelevant: women succeed in achieving ambitious goals, rapidly advancing in their careers and building large businesses, while men increasingly opt for a free creative path — “to be in the flow”. But which path for a man is really the most appropriate? What is the best way for men to evolve in the modern world?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. Victim or Sacrifice?

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

These terms often carry different connotations depending on the context in which they are used. While both can refer to someone who suffers harm or loss, “victim” typically implies a sense of suffering or injustice inflicted upon an individual. On the other hand, “sacrifice” carries a more deliberate and voluntary aspect, where someone chooses to give up something of value for a greater purpose or cause.

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. The Value of Relationships

Look Up — online Wien, Австрия

We build relationships with our relatives, friends, and colleagues. Yet, do we always grasp their meaning and ultimate goal? Some would argue that relationships are a necessity of life, like breathing and nutrition. But these are much simpler, which is not the case with relationships, even though we are engaged in them throughout our entire life. In this webinar, we will find a clear and precise way to determine the value and purpose of our relationships with any individual in our environment.

Thematic Meeting. Captured by an Image of Relationships

Online via Zoom

During our session, we watched a film depicting a beautiful romantic relationship. Initially, it seemed unremarkable; we simply enjoyed ourselves. However, the aftermath revealed a deeper impact — a fascination with the images we witnessed and the subsequent feeling of 'I will never have it like that.' Once ensnared by such captivating images, we find ourselves detached from real relationships, our suffering disconnected from them. What purpose do these images serve? Why are we so easily captured by them? And how can we learn to recognize this entrapment and resist it, drawing from the realities of our relationships?

Webinar with Oleg Bokachov. “Human” — What Does It Mean?

Online via Zoom

How do I behave — in a human way or not? How can we assess the humanity of our own actions and of others' behaviour? Why is it so important for us to behave in a human way and not the other way around? We cannot rely on personal opinion to answer these questions, as it is very easy to fall into the trap of egoism. To evaluate one's humanity, one needs a firm measure. It is precisely this that will determine how one should act and where the opposite will lead.