Heritage is that valuable in which we invest conscious efforts and time of our lives and what we...
Man, as a spiritual being, exists simultaneously in three spheres, or planes of reality that are present in...
There are two eternal values — Knowledge and Relationships. In other words, these are the primary laws by...
Goal and Product are real, or natural values. Real means neither eternal nor changeable, but based on natural...
Social heritage is based on the ability to provide services or trade goods. Service is an action taken...
Social Heritage, or inheritance in the social sense of the word, helps our descendants to continue us in...
Until a certain moment, we live an ordinary life and follow the standard program of social Heritage, passed...
The genus — the Rod — initially has a place both in nature and society. The correct understanding...
Man is a supreme being, a representative of his genus. On Earth, he acquired a vertical body, which...