VI. Continuity
Spiritual heritage

VI. Continuity

21.12.2022Oleg Bokachov
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Social Heritage, or inheritance in the social sense of the word, helps our descendants to continue us in services and goods, as changeable values ​​that do not persist over time.

The production of a real product can only be carried out by a truly family enterprise, that is, an association aimed at realising human nature. If the founder created his own business not for the sake of a future resale, but as a lifelong undertaking, he simply has no other option. This means sooner or later he will face the problem of handing over the business and the need to educate a successor. As a result, the very way of building his family and relationships in it should be significantly different from what is generally accepted in the society, although not contradict it.

Most people unconsciously take care only of their social Heritage, as it’s the easiest to leave behind. Even if a person does not make much effort, he will still manage to leave something for his children. But, it does not really help the descendants to build a stable family and form an independent, strong and long-term structure that produces something useful ​​for the society, something which is special both in terms of the required skills and the principles implied in it.

For a confident and directed progress in the formation of Heritage of a higher order than just the social one, it is necessary to know exactly where to go and what to do. Here it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Mentor. Also, an individual needs to make sure he has a circle of like-minded people with whom one can enter into a relationship of mutual help and support

Image by FrentaN from


Oleg Bokachov

Widmet sich seit mehr als 25 Jahre lang dem Studium der Grundprinzipien fraktaler Systeme und der Entwicklung des eigenen systemanalytischen Ansatzes welcher auf der natürlichen Hierarchie der Funktionsebenen des menschlichen Körpers basiert. Durch seine Arbeit setzt Oleg Bokachov die Tradition der nicht-dualistischen Philosophie fort. Er ist Autor von drei Büchern und einer Reihe von Artikeln und analytischen Studien.