VII. Individual Maturation in Society
Spiritual heritage

VII. Individual Maturation in Society

30.10.2022Oleg Bokachov
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Until a certain moment, we live an ordinary life and follow the standard program of social Heritage, passed on to us by our parents.

Only an individual mature by the social standards, can seriously take up the idea of ​​a higher-level Heritage. He must be experienced in a certain specialisation, having tried himself in the market as a businessman, mastered the skills of producing services or goods demanded by the consumer, and managed subordinates, processes and resources for himself and his family.

But before one rises from the external, social plane and starts preparing his natural Heritage himself by producing a real product, he needs to get experience of what the Real is. For that it is necessary to use real goods and services of other producers and find examples of people who always do only real things, no matter what they do. This will allow the individual to rise to a higher level of existence, get a taste for the Real and start to act in this way himself.

Image by Maria Titze from


Oleg Bokachov

Widmet sich seit mehr als 25 Jahre lang dem Studium der Grundprinzipien fraktaler Systeme und der Entwicklung des eigenen systemanalytischen Ansatzes welcher auf der natürlichen Hierarchie der Funktionsebenen des menschlichen Körpers basiert. Durch seine Arbeit setzt Oleg Bokachov die Tradition der nicht-dualistischen Philosophie fort. Er ist Autor von drei Büchern und einer Reihe von Artikeln und analytischen Studien.